Happy “Holydays”
Dear “Sounds of Freedom” Followers
From ~ Walt Williams, Jr., Dr. Wes and Ann Middlebush (Mgr), Sales Team ~ Loretta, Christina, Celeste and Chris
We want to sincerely wish all of you the most blessed “Holydays” of the year! Happy Birthday Jesus!
It is at this very special time that we are all, once again, thankful for our “Great Heavenly Father,” who has sustained our gospel music ministry for the past 6 ½ years!
We have had 48 concerts to date; recorded five CDs, and most recently, Hymns #2 made in Nashville, TN., one DVD and two National Quartet Conventions (NQC) appearances in Pigeon Forge, TN. Walt is also nearing the completion of his autobiography (later ’24), and currently working on his own recording studio.
Thank you again for all your support through attendance, donations, offerings, and product purchases. God continues to richly bless us, and we are forever grateful.
Please continue to check our website (waltwilliamsjr.com) for upcoming concerts and new developments.
Our next concert will be at the First Baptist Church of Coldwater, MI on Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 9:30am,102 Bishop Ave, Coldwater, MI 49036.